Hiya Shah



Hiya Shah


Bombay Diaries

Bombay Diaries

3 mins

Bombay, the city that never sleeps. So when I first darted my way through the busy, city lanes, i was kinda threatened by the paleness engulfed by seven islands. Commotion would remain inhabited in the city throughout all the broad hours of day accompanied with loud unbearable honking of automobiles pondering over the streets, didn’t the ever so sophisticated citizens ever ponder over realisation that noise pollution was a health hazard. A single wrong turn and you find yourself tangled into a maze of the unhygienic and unbearable slums, the threatening shadows carefully hidden behind the crystal clear glory. Rats, cats and dogs and all sorts of creatures prowling on the rues all day long. During the hours of slumber, i could hardly bid enough courage to step out for a soulful walk. Monsoon, the worst element, dirty puddles and pot holes engraved all around and the traffic is just terrible. When the seasons play role reversal, and summer gains momentum over the city, the scorching hot heat pricks your skin alike a rose brimming with thorns, draining your energy to passive droplets of sweat. Perhaps, a life in a small enclosed city, with no commotion, no liveliness and a lack of opportunities with a huge amount of hedges would be desirable.

Yes, so, Mumbaikars if you agree with me, please don’t. Widen your iris, feel the energy that makes your life worth. Life is wavering every minute; ever second ,embrace it with open arms. The city which once was just seven abandoned islands is among the busiest hubs on the globe. The central railway is the longest railway line across India. The never ending blue waves at the queen’s necklace are a piercing attribute, a speciality of the city. I could dig up this maybe because in the sands where life changes every second, the oceans remain the same- calm, soothing and admirable. They refuse to lose their survived glory only for material gains and maybe that’s what defines them.

So my newly made friends, prevent your soul from wandering in the quest of seven wonders scattered in different corners around the globe. Your beloved city itself has all seven of them submerged within its boundaries; you just need the vision to see the beauty beyond imperfection. The dreamy ocean bay hedged by hovering street lamps, the heavy pours from heaven which cool the atmosphere around and energise them, the night life of Mumbai with walks around chow patty, that spicy pani puri which drip tears of ecstasy in our eyes in our eyes, expensive roads on the Colaba pathway with striking architecture transfer you into another abandoned era of history, the massive structures of lavish hotels at marine drive and it’s short of space yet giant at heart and that resembles the loyalty and love towards the wondrous city.

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