Zillion Thumps Up For Fruitful Poetry
Zillion Thumps Up For Fruitful Poetry

Flavors are flaunting to and fro
Testers losing brilliant taste
Where is that sumptuous dish
To be sensually relished by
Classics as well as Romantics
Let this poetry get
A privileged place at
The most prestigious coffee tables of
Sophisticated book lovers
And be an everlasting fruit fudge
On the lavish literary menu booklet
To match and meet
Choices of contemporary and old
Freshly fruit filled poetry must have
Banana’s evergr
een annually available appeal
Apple’s appetizing attitude to ace all
Cherry’s cheeriness to cheer one and all
Watermelon’s water to wash worries
Grape’s effortlessness – just pick and go for it
Papaya’s anti diabetic relief cure
Mango’s tempting miracle, luring young and old
Last but surely not the least
Pineapple’s succulence for
Both the sweet and sour
Along with the taste buds of fellow fruits
May this poetry be the most
Irresistible item to inquire about ever!