O my Globalians
I am the Winter
telling you the ever
romantic pal on
your terrestrial play
Now I am just a
guest for a few
days halting in
your domain
Almighty can't
allow me to
linger here
Nevertheless I
soaked you all
in my dewy fluid
through out my
tenure I haven't
spoiled your
sound sleep with
Sweet dreams
Though I shivered
your lips and
bodies I haven't
stripped off your
dresses to make
you naked
Though I
surrounded your
hills and
mountains with
my foggy coat
I haven't
deprived you
of enjoyment
of natural
beauties ever
Inspite of my
coolness I have
given you the
scope for enjoing
night stars
twinkling in the
clear Sky guided
by the crescent
moon showing
the gestures
of a royal
dynasty ever
Snow clad roofs
designed by me
made you upset
with compulsory
home stay I
hampered the
warming up of
your bodies by
the home furnace
rather I gave you
a chance to
gossip cordially
with your partner
with romantic
mood and to have a
relaxing night
Although I am
the chilly one
among all of
our season-mates
and aesthetic
decorator of the
nature I never want
to become a
lethargic old guy
instead an energetic
and evergreen
young lad sitting
on the revolving
chair of merry go
round set by
the Master of the
Universe in the
seasonal circle
Before my
departure from
the Global land
I make a sincere
appeal to you O'
my deal Globalian
friends to make
cool and calm for
ever without being
hot and sadistic
as a calm and
peaceful mind may
create a global
paradise instead of
a devilish hell in the
long run
O my dear Globalians
I suggest you all to
Cherish within you a
calm and cool personality as well as temerament like me
so as to sublemate
your negative qualities
into positive ones
towards building of
an ever green and
ever lasting welltodo
Global Villa filled in
with peace and harmony up to eternity.