What Makes Us, Us.
What Makes Us, Us.

A small smile is all it takes
To destroy years of sadness and pain,
To bring joy and laughter back
And make the heart light again.
A small frown is all it takes
To bring back the fears and hate,
To feel alone and wrong in a world of rights
And make the heart heavy again.
A little joy is all it takes
To help the world become awake,
To let the happiness shine through
The heart that had become opaque.
A little anger is all it takes
To dampen the raging fire of fate,
To let the hearth go cold and dry,
To make the heart once again ache.
A few things seem good and bad,
But a little of everything is what makes us, us.
A small smile, a small frown, a little joy and a little anger
Together make this world a better place,
For only in darkness can the stars shine bright,
And only with all the seven colors can a rainbow form.