What Has Happened?

What Has Happened?

1 min

Where are those days gone?

Where I was drawing on a board,

Where I was playing in a ground,

Where I was with my close friend,

Where I was making a drum sound,

Where are those days gone?


What has happened to those days?

Those days when I was flying the kites,

Those days when I was counting the pebbles,

Those days when I was learning the rhymes,

Those days when I was bursting the balloons,

What has happened to those days?


Where have gone those moments?

When I was laughing with our tenants,

When I was sitting with the patients,

When I was listenin

g to my parents,

When I was travelling with my relatives,

Where have gone those moments?


What has happened to those days?

When I rang the neighbor’s calling bell,,

When I was sleeping in a cotton mill,

When I was drenched in heavy rain,

When I asked a saint about his soul,

What has happened to those days?


Where are those days gone?

When I didn’t know the loss and gain,

When my wallets and pockets were full,

When I learned to swim in a deep well,

When I was improving my writing skill,

Where are those days gone?




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