Rahul Suri



Rahul Suri


War And Peace

War And Peace

1 min

Let not the flowers bloom 

Let not the birds sing 

Let not the fruit ripen 

Let them not feel the sting 

For the world is no longer what it used to be 

No more love, friendship or harmony 

No co-existence, concord or Peace 

No more does the fire cease 

Only the thunder of the ATM 

Only the spillage of blood  

Everywhere there is the only harm 

The unrest and the thud 

We no longer feel the brotherhood 

We no longer see the good 

No more do we perceive the calm 

No longer is peace a balm 

To heal the wounds of the past 

Amity is nonexistent 

Friendship doesn't ring a bell 

How we all wept and shrieked 

The day peace fell 

But even in the d

arkest of dungeons 

And the dreariest of lands 

There is always a glimmer of hope 

That can turn the times and sands 

All its takes is a spark, a stir, a trigger 

Anything to make this World understand 

That we each need to lend a hand 

Restore all that is good and pure


Plant seeds of Amity and goodwill 

Do things worthy of Folklore 

And bring this War to an eternal standstill 

Peace is the road that leads to all things great 

It brings no grief, it brings no harm 

Follow this path and witness war abate 

Waste no time, sound the alarm 

The air to be fragrant with armistice and reconciliation 

So let the flowers bloom 

Let the bird sing 

Let the fruit ripen 

Let the world with peace ring. 

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