Naina Arora



Naina Arora


Unspoken Fear

Unspoken Fear

1 min

The funny thing is, everyone's got the unspoken fear 
It hides behind clouds yet it appears so clear 
It's been hidden so long that it hurts to think 
The walls begin to shrink and your minds on the brink 
The thoughts unbearable, they're all in a sheathe 
What's going on? GOD WHY CAN'T I BREATHE! 
Every wasted second my breath becomes more faint
I'm being held back, I'm being restraint 

span>I'm beginning to yell, I can't even hear my own voice! 
My unspoken fear has done this, this wasn't my choice! 
How can I stop this, what can be done? 
The top of my dresser, I reach for a gun 
My hand is trembling, is this it? 
Have I reach an end, will I submit? 
Once it reaches my head, I awake in cold sweat 
My unspoken fear, I will never forget! 
My unspoken fear...I will never forget!

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