Unlovable Autumn
Unlovable Autumn

The dust keep flying over shadows of the oldest leaves,
The sadness silently sprinted through corridors of unbound souls!
What to do, if even the final drops of love remained frosty- It's the month of Unlovable Autumn!
It clatters on to the all happiness plunged over the woods of life,
It hits the ironies of our souls and bodies- like wounds hit by knife!
What to do, if last of the beads continue to swindle- it's the month of unlovable autumn;
The old bi
rds are removing their feathers for newly forming crest,
The old woods rejoicing their palms to seek out new emerging hopes of burst-
Still, what to do, if it kneels over the nature- it's the unlovable autumn!
We can imagine better world in every season if we like,
But if we are ready to live with pain- we will be only be originating the bunch of spike-
Still, if we wish it to be terrible in it's fate- it will remained to be so called Unlovable Autumn...