Prachi Utreja



Prachi Utreja


Tries All Vain

Tries All Vain

1 min

I try to live in reality

But fakeness comes out to be an immortality

I try to stay joyful

But memories bring out me:the sorrowful

I try to inhale peace

But pain is there in every breeze

I try to stay away from the mind rupturing winds

But darkness covers my eyelids

I try to perceive a messy life

Yet the hollow waters make my starving heart dive

I try to drool into sleep

But all my soul does is weep

I try to bring the nostalgia to an end

But suddenly the pillow becomes my best friend

I try to keep that smile on

But that inner peace is far gone

I try to not remember who I am

But that mirror makes the acid mark feel as a heart breathing stab

I try to make myself understand that not everyone is same

But those news headlines prove it as a joke much lame ...

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