The End
The End

The end hasn't arrived yet,
The deadly game is still on.
The globe is in massacre,
Plunging in all human lives as intruders.
The plight of the mass remains unheard,
None here to address it as all are cowards.
Untouchable remains all the corpse here and there,
None to aid, have just left them in a state of despair.
Screams of the members could be all heard,
Isn't it so painful as it is so absurd?
e menace of the virus has become so strong,
Is eventually wrapping all in a piece of sarong.
More than a year it has been,
We all are struggling, as it can be seen.
Such a dire act for all of us,
Has left us almost to be perplexed.
When will the end for such a threat will come?
When are we going to say ," Yes we all are welcomed."
Welcomed in every place to roam around,
The day of the end of Covid is sure to come.