Raina Lopes

Children Stories Drama Inspirational


Raina Lopes

Children Stories Drama Inspirational

Thank You Teacher!

Thank You Teacher!

1 min

Pinch of tough love,

Setting us right on track.

Anchor of courage and affection,

Instantly plummeted,

When in a pool of negativity,

I was sinking down.

Pushing us forward,

You toiled very hard.

Your energy was drained out,

Yet you ensured,

You stood behind us,

Firm on the grounds.

Exams we appeared,

But you were a nervous wreck,

When results were out.

At peace, we learnt from you,

But you were agile, as 

Dynamic changes, at your way, stormed.

Gratitude engulfs as I remember you,

From the bottom of my heart.

Teacher, a rich source of knowledge,

A beam of hope,

Gleamed through the cracks,

Of our cocooned lives.

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