Terrific Traffic
Terrific Traffic
Today, yamraj is seen on every road,
Demons of iron kill human robots.
Horns, speed, delays, and snore -
Is the permanent kundli of every road!
Rivers of vehicles flow every day on roads,
Many amalgamates - sometimes red color flows.
Wildest this river is,
Sees no signboard!
ATM - Any Time Maut
Will be the situation, if you won't be careful.
This ATM gives "death card" to those,
Who drive like fools!
Full relaxation today's roads give,
But full attention, too, you should keep.
Ears shouldn't be blocked by i-pods and mobiles,
Or you'll block forever
your life!
Fuel consumers consume a lot,
But it's up to us to maintain its cost.
Go green sometimes,
Give others some chance to survive!
In all the directions, there are iron horses,
We, selfish riders, have consumed fossils.
One side pollution, other side over population,
The sandwich this world, dissolving the earth!
Circular earth is flattened now and then,
By and by we breathe black air,
"Uneatable" jam is seen everywhere,
Vapors of black gold are excreted now and then..
= TRAFFIC is our self-caused problem,
It is high time to take a stand,
Let us pledge to follow traffic rules,
And make sustainable use of fuels!