Summer Spells

Summer Spells

1 min

Across the Ganga, Narmada, Krishna, to our ancestral village, 

Euphoric on spotting it across river lined with palms and thick foliage!

As summer capers in setting cerulean yonder on golden fire, 

Relive childhood vacations that get blown by a nightly zephyr.  

Aromatic earthy waters off clay pots sent senses cool and calm, 

Sweet as tender coconuts and luscious kernels of palm. 

Swings near embankment under neem and tamarind shades, 

Merriment with a dozen cousins, their memory never fades. 

Lush paddy fields swaying as we splashed in the nearby pond,  

Twilight on the golden sands, as we played fencing with a palm frond.   

>Thrill of stealing mangoes from neighbour's orchard, 

 Chased by the keeper, we teared through casuarina groves it bordered. 

Picnicking on the sparkling riverbed in full moon, for health and longevity, 

Late till midnight elders chilled out, we kids played boisterously.  

Bullock cart rides, elbowing for seat tuning decibels into fights, 

Eased by tales of Grandpa under open starlit nights. 

As we sat mesmerised in a huge circle stretching out our palm,

Grandma served us rice-curry balls and veggies from the farm. 


Summer spells of great rustic charm, warm cockles of my heart,  

Etched on my soul in indelible ink can never do us apart!  

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