So Violent!

So Violent!

1 min

The only kick, a women deserves and feels happy,

Is when, the baby moves in the womb!

The only violence people love,

Is when, a ball passes through the defense, of opposition.

The only beating, which makes us happy,

Is when, the drum screams out of pain!

The only piercing, a paper deserves,

Is when, it becomes an art!

The only violence, that brings art to life,

Is when, chisel breaks the stone!

The only violence, everyone deserves is,

Life itself, Take it as experience never quit

As we are not here to loose.

We are here for a reason by overcoming so many obstacles.

Violence is at best, When it’s used appropriately.

Use it to make other’s life better,

Rather than being selfish, by applying and destructing others life.

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