Sin Is Satan..Then I Am Satan..
Sin Is Satan..Then I Am Satan..

So many sins are called sins...
But how can you distinguish what is a sin and what is not?
Because here, this is a sin.
And there, this is not a sin.
If one thing here is sin and there is not a sin.
That means, either there is sin,
Or everywhere there is the sin.
When everywhere there is sin. Then I also sin..
I sin because of temptation.
Temptation itself is a sin. The temptation is also a name of Satan.
This mea
ns sin is satan. I sin..therefore I am satan!
I am satan.. and I am glad!
I am glad...because
If everywhere there are sins.
If everything is a sin..
Who is to tell me what exactly are sins?
I myself have to define my sin.
I have defined my sins..and I feel I have turned out fine.
That is dear!
I sin.. so I am a satan..but I am satan is fine.
So Heil the Satan!