Post COVID-19 Quotes
Post COVID-19 Quotes
Post COVID-19 Quotes as modified and updated by me
Rome was not built in a day, Corona was not killed in 1000 days!
Corona and Corruption are two sides of the same coin — both are highly contagious!
Make hay when the sun shines, Make masks when the corona shines!
Spare the rod and spoil the child, Spare the virus and spoil humanity!
So said the Coronavirus “Not that I loved the Chinese less but that I loved the Americans more”
All the world is a “viral” stage, We are all “mute” spectators!
United we fall (to il
lness), Divided we stand (to live)!
Necessity is the Mother of “Isolation”!
“Detention” is better than cure!
A “quarantine” a day keeps the corona away!
A “sanitiser” in hand is worth two in the stand!
Time and tide wait for none, Corona and Corruption spare not one!
“Bug” is mightier than the sword!
Colonial rule (of British) made us dependent, “Coronial” rule (of COVID-19) has made us “independent”!
Corona has changed our lives, Each one is on his own, It is a close contest between Me, You and Corona!