1 min

If I should like you or hate?

Tell me, oh my lazy roommate!

You are really and really a big bore

Remained sleepless when you snore!

In first meet you seemed a sincere,

Later you become knowledge miser!

If I should like you or hate?

You're great, oh my lazy roommate!

On some front you helped me,

But maximum you stuck me!

From many days I faced distraction,

It was your surroundings Impression!

If I should like you or hate?

Guided nil, oh my lazy roommate!

Whenever you Interrupt Its no Issue!

When you be Interrupted, Its big Issue!

You would have created good Impact,

But you just employed cunning tact!

If I should like you or hate?

Tell me, oh my lazy roommate!

Sleeping as polar bear Is your hobby,

What If then you wouldn't have any hobby!

Sometimes become funny but all waste,

You spoil the clarity with your best!

If I should like you or hate?

You self tell, oh my laxy roommate!

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