Ode To Coroviruna
Ode To Coroviruna
Virulent pathogens outbreak
Human life grinds to a stop
How and from where they come
Answers none definite
Lofty Humans mighty weapons for thy Beings foes who in their cranium never knew
None so to do away the fellow so nano
Forced by nature, look thou beings you endure this life
What for and why need this way to go
Turn around, stop n think
How mighty the fellow so nano
Fuzz to thine travel, activities none
Not for now. Stay put.
Antidotes fellow so nano, Humans clamour
Bustling roads once now deserted and forlorn
Speed, honking, harrowing hunkering
Errands pompous nasty shows
So nano, trick you master ever a magician or God worshiped for
Bombs hydrogen, weapons nuclear, flashy guns
Beings loved to possess
Sad they don't do a thing to you nano fellow
Pile them up for your skins and bones, friend or fiend?
Nano you fellow laughter shattering thy ears
Intelligent beings lofty goals and power
But do, but lacks, but care thy not
As ever will never be aware lurks thy
Beings fancy cares race, religion, superiority, color, power
For thy want to stand vanquished thou humans
Methods however whatever thou takes
Greater are thou wants and desires
Greed, power, lust avarice your ways
Nations, states, communities, parents
Guilty you ought to.
Just flow never thought, how you u must go forward
Brought to knees the fellow so nano
Super power, super rich, super intelligent, super you beings
Look how Shallow thou power, rich, intellect
How you dazzle with green notes, life to match
Some there others fools they follow match
Nano fellow you lovely where you been
Almighty obeisance, ever care to show up
Ever did eons gone by when
Ran across colossal tragedies struck ever
Wait, hear oh mortals, follow heed, testing times
Almighty's hand at work
Come around mortals mere, Goldly ways!
Gullibles ho you mindless imbecile beings
Nano fellow triumphs
Time will truth triumph we will know
In the end
I now bow lowly to this nano my friend
To show the right, turn around lest we lost forever
How colossal your greatness
Who they you are
Why for your namesake the gullible got astray by the contriving maggots
Some say god others by something else
Not never ever knew anyone
But faith lingers and prevails
In times of these
They prevail, yet again
But how long?
For not nano coroviruna triumphs
Contest thou beings ever been
For goodness, truth triumphs
March on alert alive ones
Humans rise, millenniums gone by
Will they ever change, need they
But I have trust in your mighty
You nano fellow, virtuous be your end.
Cold n callous might your form and ways
Let my fellow beings learn to live human
I sign to for its time
Ode to this fellow so nano