Normal Girl
Normal Girl

She's this one normal girl,
Miserable and too lazy to twirl.
She does not look like pearl,
And is always in a whirl.
She's lazy and average,
But definitely at peak of savage.
She does no chore right,
And now her pants are too tight.
She sleeps late every night,
And no chocolate is out of her sight.
She's always involved in some fight,
And is nothing near to bright.
She has no loyal friend,
What she does is always rant.
She has a crush out of her league,
Who is her only good colleague.
She's not sweet when she speak,
She has too much blush on her cheek.
Her anger is always on peak,
And she's too much weak.
She's not the perfect girl,
And she does not resemble pearl.
But she is the one,
And she definitely is the one...