Jyoti Kumari



Jyoti Kumari


My School Days

My School Days

2 mins

Those smiles will be never laughed again,

Those cries will be never screamed again,

Those meaningless jokes will be never cracked again,

Those games will be never played again,

It was my school days.....

Those homeworks will be never assigned again,

Those covers on every books and copy will be never put again,

Those scariest Parent-Teacher meetings will be never called again,

Those fogey and most unpredictable creatures called "Teachers" will be never seen again,

It was my school days.....

Those several hands in a single tiffin will be never put again,

Those lunches during the class hour will be never eaten again,

Those two dresses for the entire week will be never worn again,

Those rowdies and beauty queens will be never assembled again,

It was my school days......

Those mo

st disciplined backbenchers will be never seen again,

Those groups of three idiots will be never disturbed again,

Those nicknames to the teachers will be never given again,

Those motivational classes will be never enjoyed again,

It was my school days.....

Those ragging of new teachers will be never done again,

Those pride of being school/class captain will be never felt again,

Those roll numbers will be never announced again,

Those useless judgments about teachers attire will be never given again,

It was my school days...

Those unwilling parties to the friends will be never thrown again,

Those rush to school will be never made again,

Those will never come back again,

Those victories will be never made again,

It was my school days...

Those were my days...

The only mine.....

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