My Princess
My Princess

Her eyes deeper than the blue ocean,
That even the oceans wanted to delve;
The golden tresses like the morning-glory clouds,
Urged the breeze to resume their task;
And the contagious smile crossed many arid deserts
Unfathomable oceans Like the organic air,
Which couldn't be arrested by any territory, clear or unclear;
She "is" Princess Di, who can never die!
The "people's princess" without the slightest pretenses;
"Hewn with exq
uisite beauty",
Like a poet's dream,
Like a child who smiles,
While it sleeps;
Like a lotus leaf untouched by filth;
Like the shimmer of a nascent rose,
Whose fragrance never dies,
No matter used in whichever chores;
Her lotus-leaf like character couldn't be smeared with dirt,
No matter how much sinful path
People made her tread;
The love for my Princess is
"Eternally discrete!"
I love you, my Princess.