Music is the medium of expressing emotions,
Love fear and hate are all its inclusions.
A lover sings for his beloved maiden, makes his love
Out comes the maiden, blushes a little,
And enjoys the beautiful romance.
The hater gives out hatred by vulgar words sung,
He shouts out loud, sings heavily with ever breath in his lung.
The frightened one who sings for succor,
He seeks for so bad.
He awaits a light, that be enough bright,
To extinguish the fears he had.
Music therefore exists everywhere, inside every emotional domain,
It showers on us and gives us joy in little drops of rain.
Music has witnessed eminent artists from Apollo to Orpheus,
One uses it for simple pleasure and one for a purpose vicious.
Music resides in every heart, echoing in every generation,
It pleases for a while, in its own modern style,
Then gives out a thrilling sensation.
So let us all express ourselves by singing out our infatuations,
Music after all is the greatest medium for expressing our emotions.