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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

monika jha



monika jha


Mother Nature

Mother Nature

1 min

Bewildering beauty of 

mountains, glaciers and waterfalls

Mother nature holds it all

it's everlasting and is present everywhere

 be it birds chirping or stars shining far away we can see it anywhere

but is it still the same, mother nature 

is sad

 because of her own kid's deed and due to their extreme greed

we humans have destroyed it miserably

and made it hard for other living beings to survive properly

Be it destroying forests for our own settlement

 or giving animals harsh treatment for a minute of amusement

being creator, she holds the right to protect its own creatures

and finds ways to overcome all disasters,

like the coronavirus, maybe it's a bane for humans

but it's been a boon for other beings and things of nature

now due to less pollution, the stars shine brighter

the air is getting cleaner, and the rivers are purer

the dolphins and swans took over the river waters

and with fewer factories and cars environment is improving swiftly

It's like a chance to correct our faults

and give back Mother nature the beauty it holds

let's take a pledge to do our bit and change the destiny

To protect this earth for our future progeny.

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