Love Undefined

Love Undefined

2 mins

The yesteryears of frivolous me

Ought to change responsibly anew

A tiny soul in me had I,

A new life, a new heartbeat in me

Elated, in joy, a mother to be


My hormones started their tantrums soon,

On my throbbing zygote cell

Pukes and aches pulled me down,

Oh! I felt awkwardly ill

How I yearned to eat at will


New changes sheathed me,

Amending body and mind

I saw a baby bump,

My life turned a fairy tale

Dreams so colourful, with a rainbow vale


I felt her giggle, kicks so gentle

Fed her, caressed her, hugged her tight

My dreams soared high, day and night

Overjoyed, in glee

were kith and kin

Awaiting the babe to be born



And the awaited dawn at hand

I was rushed to have my baby out

Clouds filled the sky, turned fearfully dull

Murmurs heard I, in the dark faintly

No limbs has she, no limbs has she


Distressed at a deformed being,

Thwarted to see the princess of my dreams

Benumbed was I, when a tiny jerk,

A fragile fist clutched my breast,

Oh! What a heavenly zest!


Her touch was angelic, precious and pure

Her gaze, her smile, I was blinded by it all

My flesh and my soul was she,

Her flaws and imperfections, for me divine,

She was breathing, she was perfectly fine!


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