Lost Innocence
Lost Innocence

Read caption. I got an idea of writing this after reading a post few days back on my friend’s story.
So if you (the one who had written a short post similar to this) will ever read this... please comment below sir/madam (with what you had written).
Sitting on my toilet seat, I got the best thought...,
About that beautiful days and the innocence that is lost....
Now the dirt is the only thing that is left...
In hearts, minds and even the soul dirt is what we kept.
Remember the days when the innocence is what we use to carry,
When the nights were not about dirt but the stories of fairy...
When being high was about the swings in the playground...
When we were happy with few people of ours and not the lonely souls in the crowd...
When protections were about wearing he
lmets and seat belts...
When minds were pure and words were exactly what we meant and felt...
When that kisses were on forehead and hugs were enough to show how much we love...
Nights were not about lust or dirt in the pubs...
When that three notes of ten makes you richer than the person with just one note of thousand..
When many were not required but we use to wait for that single friendship band..
When the worst thing you could get from boys were cooties..
When the girls like Mary Kom was love and not that mindless and strength-less beauties...
When your worst enemies were your siblings..
When the fights were joy and not crippling...
That days and that innocence are now lost...
I wish that I could go back to era when the fear was not the humans but only the ghosts...