Let Me Borrow!
Let Me Borrow!

Dear shadow
let me borrow
some colors
I want to fill my
kohl pencil
I shall paint my eyes.
Dear dawn
let me borrow
some colors
I want to fill
my lipstick
I shall paint my lips.
Dear sky
let me borrow
some colors
I want to fill
my bucket
I shall paint my dress blue.
Dear leaves
let me borrow
some colors
I want to fill
my polish bottle
I shall paint my nails green.
Dear mountains
let me borrow
some strength
I want to fill
my empty self esteem
I shall not be bullied then.
Dear river
let me borrow
some fresh water
I want to purify
my soul
I shall then glo
w from within.
Dear snow
let me borrow
some colors
I want to fill
my palms
I shall paint the frills
of my frock.
Dear earth
let me borrow
some warmth
I want to fill
my heart
I shall share with
those with cold hearts.
Dear universe
let me borrow
some space
I want to fill
my arms
I shall embrace
those lonely souls.
Dear wind
let me borrow
some breeze
I want to fill
my wings
I shall fly to those
who are lonely.
Dear happiness
let me borrow
some smiles
I want to fill
my magic wand
I shall fill the entire world
with smiles,
because we lack humanity.