Souradip Ghosh



Souradip Ghosh


Keep On Marching

Keep On Marching

1 min

Far away in the horizon lies my destiny,
Where I have to reach through revolt and mutiny.
Ahead of me lies a long and tiring journey,
But the road needs to be traveled by me and only me.

There awaits the peace I always hunt,
There awaits the comfort I always want.
There awaits the life I always search,
Therefore to the horizon, I always march.

The roads are full of gravels and stones,
Which always test the strength of my bones.
In every step there is a rock and pebble,
Which makes the journey difficult but not impossible.

There may be famine, there may be rain,
There may be sorrow, there may be pain.
But we should always walk and never bend,
Because assurance is always there at the end.


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