India, My Country, My Love
India, My Country, My Love

I love my country, don't know why.
I love my country, don't know why.
If you want to know, ask the person.
Ask the person, who has not country like me.
I can't tell you why I love my country,
That, that person can tell you,
who don't get facility like my country provides.
Because, the real value will be when,
you don't get the thing, which is very important to you.
So you must understand the value of facility provided.
Its freedom,
It’s a country with freedom.
It’s my country INDIA
It can be justified by persons,
It can be justified by only persons,
persons who are real freedom fighters.
Freedom fighters that devoted their lives.
Devoted their last drop of blood.
Salute Freedom Fighters,
Salute India,
Respect Freedom Fighters and Freedom