Arshita Bhatt



Arshita Bhatt


Hope And Time

Hope And Time

1 min

Buried in the chest of sand

With one end sticking out

An old book with tatters

On a lonely evening, I found

It was dirty and mitty

Leaves coloured yellow sour

The ink smitten and leather eaten

Yet untold mysteries it pour'd

My fingers played with scribbled words

And slowly I began to read

A hand came out and took me in

On ghostly path untread

The path haunted by ghost of Hope

And her disgraced lover, The Time

Stones engraved a tale of tragedy

That how she wished him to be mine

The war broke out, Heavens fell

All that Time and Hope faced

The Hope was stabbed, Time never came

She bled in Unfulfilled 's embrace

The pages began disenchant

With it, stories of love and melee

The black hole like scar,

It did leave

The old book and me

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