Anu Menon



Anu Menon


Friends In Life

Friends In Life

1 min

Friends are the Books to our soul and who enlighten us.

But, like chapters, there are the different categories of friends:

Time pass friends, who speaks to you during their free time,

Gossip friends, keen on gossiping about people and never mind their own business,

Childhood friends, whom we grow up together with,

Friends, with whom we spend our time at school/ college,

Colleagues with whom we spend at the office.

Soul Sisters who takes care of you as their own and guide you through the maze whenever fate takes a turn.

Friends for Life who do n

ot commune daily but keep a check on you,

And Busy friends who are always busy and expect others to spare their time for them.

Friends are the pillar of strength and light to your darkness,

They are honest about their opinions and wont talk behind your back,

A person who knows all about you and still likes you.

I value all my friends who find time on their calendar,

I also cherish the friend who does not consult their calendar.

I thank all my friends who have always been with me in my highs and lows of life.

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