Finding Me
Finding Me

Shout and scream, the time you day-dream.
Panic-y mind, restless soul,
In the heart, encountered a hole.
Have no clue, all is blue.
One thing to do, get me through.
The ocean is deep, cast me new.
The land is far, hold me before I mar.
The sailing ship, I am in,
Knowing ME, Is a sin?
Hands to cheer, glasses with beer,
In the crowd, you are artificial, dear.
Materialistic happi
ness, hidden shyness,
Innocent soul, with the social fear!
Rock the stage, win the hearts,
Fame makes you mentally retard.
The real audience is hidden, hidden inside you.
May you discover, the Lord is in you!
The solution is ME and ME in despair!
Do this dare, ME needs a repair!
Sway by winds, strike the clouds,
On the ground, shout out loud!
Pass by waters, sink for free!
Do a favour, Please find ME!