Feelings are really strange and confusing
As some might be sharp
And some might crush a heart.
Some would bring pain and strife
While others would give no meaning to life.
Deep and dark some would be
Only misery you could see,
Such feelings would grow deep each day
And would never fade.
Some would make your imagination run wild
Many thoughts would come to your mind,
Shock and wonder some may bring
And curiosity it would bring.
Sometimes it would be a little weird
As nothing would be clear.
Not to forget, as some might be sweet
And those are definitely a treat,
Everything would be clear and clean
Then surely there is no scope to be mean.
Such feeling you would feel safe from conflicts and taunts
And bad thought would never haunt,
And then energetic you would be
And happiness you will seek.
Surely, feelings are difficult to show
And are for your own mind to know.