Dr Swati Tripathi

Children Stories Drama


Dr Swati Tripathi

Children Stories Drama

Every Song

Every Song

1 min

And every song makes me feel,

Feel in a certain way.

Some songs just light me up,

Bring a flashback of the events that have made me,

Made me whatsoever I am today.

Some songs make my heart skip a beat,

Skip a beat for that very moment.

And my friend, that's the time I'd like to go back to, if I could time travel.

Some songs make me cry,

Cry out loud and remind me of the fall.

But it was the fall that taught me how to fly.

Some songs make me smile,


ile on the mistakes I've made.

But that's okay, because that's how I've learnt.

Some songs make me introspect,

And I ask myself- 'Am I treading the right track? Or am I just moving back?'.

Some songs just break me,

Break me apart.

Remind me of the damage, Irreparable.

But that's what made me strong.

Some songs make me feel,

Make me feel the way that can't be penned down.

But then yeah,

Each one of them makes me feel,

Feel in a certain way.

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