
I decided to turn
Foes into friends
Love triumphs
Not hatred
Many came closer
And some exited
In few days time
No enemy existed
Only wall in room
Stood where it was
Did not move at all
I took it as enemy
I asked questions
It remained silent
I was convinced
Indeed it hated me
I punched it hard
It did not respond
Did thousand times
There wasn’t reply
I made it a habit
To punch everyday
>As many times
Time would allow
My fingers hurt
Blood on floor
I will not stop
Wanna answer
Yet no reaction
Sure it’s real foe
Want no explanation
Coz I am intelligent
I’m man of love
No known opponents
How this silly wall
Can be a hindrance?
When I feel pain
In body and heart
No doubt remains
It’s mocking at me
Every hole on wall
Stares at my eyes
One enemy yet rigid
I punch harder now