Priyanka Joshi Nair



Priyanka Joshi Nair


En Routing To Self

En Routing To Self

1 min

I have been there, seen it all

Even when I was not needed,

I was there to catch them before they fall

I laughed with them

I cried with them

My day and nights were for and with them

I devoted all my time and my energy in pleasing people

Building relationships

And I started missing little parts of me

I did things only for them to see

I forgot to prioritize and then, I realize

What am I doing with myself? Who will be there with me till the end?

It will be me and myself and so much to mend

Alas! I en-routed myself to me and took up one idea

Made that idea my life and I work on that idea day and night

To build myself and wish a wonderful life to spend.

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