Hritika Bhattacharya

Children Stories Others


Hritika Bhattacharya

Children Stories Others



1 min

Different colours, different cultures

Different communities, different religions

Different languages, different cuisines..

India is indeed an amalgamation of differences...

From Kashmir to Kanyakumari

We have nothing in common..

But still we celebrate our togetherness

India is indeed an amalgamation of differences..

Different people, different languages...

Give birth to various gems from our diverse cultures..

These are the very evidence of our diversity...

India is indeed an amalgamation of differences...

The Kesar of Kashmir,

The colours of Rajasthan,

The sweetness of Bengal,

The tastes of Gujrat...

The spices of Kerala...

These together celebrate the diversity of India

Cause India is indeed an amalgamation of differences...

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