Priya Aggarwal



Priya Aggarwal


Come Back To Me

Come Back To Me

1 min

I saw you struggling

I saw you not giving up

I saw that going through it was your only key

But if there's even a slight chance

Then please come back to me

I've been, am and always will be 

Your brave little girl

Although you're not here I'm being strong

Because I know that you're always up there to see

But if there's even a slight chance

Then please come back to me

I want to talk to you

I want to tell you that I love you 

And trust me I really do

I want to have the last conversation with you

Come let's do it over a cup of tea

But if there's even a slight chance

Then please come back to me

Every time I look at those photo frames

I know it will never be the same we

But if there's even a slight chance 

Then please come back to me

When I looked for the last time at your face 

I knew you had gone to a better place

You were always standing strong by us

Just like a long-lasting tree

But if there's even a slight chance

Then please come back to me

Don't worry about anyone

We're here for them

Don't get sad just be happy

But if there's even a slight chance

Then please come back to me

Be that lively person you always were to be

But if there's even a slight chance

Then please come back to me

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