Nannam Lokesh



Nannam Lokesh


Black Beauty

Black Beauty

1 min

Sleeping always makes me lazy

Not to perform any action

My master feeds me twice in a day

Four members take cares of me

The youngest son who loved me so much

I was born like a shape of a rat

Fruits and vegetables ate

At my childhood days, now

My eyes are desiring towards the flesh 

and bones which make to produce Saliva

Barking at the strangers is a job to me

Those who appear at day time or

Nighttime, I bark at my family members

Unknowingly because of half sleepy 

Not able to recognize persons

Concern and love are the weapons

To care for me, though I look black color

I am black and beauty which is family

The sentiment, No one finds me 

At night time, l am black beauty.

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