Best Friend Forever
Best Friend Forever
Baby, we love you,
A special one very few,
Princess adorable whose class apart,
Whose unconditional love is pure art,
Your smile brings brightness in our life,
Your sorrow takes away the enlightenment from our life,
Your presence makes feel that we are so blessed,
The unconditional love that you shower upon makes us speechless,
Yes, there was a moment in your life,
Where you wanted real ones but they turn out to be one with benefits,
Here we are whose purpose is to fill the void that you had,
By making you feel and making you believe that you are the heartbeats That you didn’t have,
A beautiful stunning woman from Bihar,
Whose ambition is to see go very far,
Who wants to see herself independent,
So that she can bring brightness in a parents life,
You ar
e Diamond sweetheart,
Because there is no second like you apart,
They connect and bond with you have reached where we are more than friends,
Because we are there for you at every end,
What makes you different is the togetherness you have with your closed ones,
That makes go Crazy yet simple one,
On this very day,
We want to see you fly high
We want to see you smile & rise,
We want to see you feel blessed
We want to see you crazy,
We want to see you best dressed,
We want you to feel every moment,
You are a major part of my life & will always be there,
Because am blessed with a tigress whose gonna rock everywhere,
Sweetheart, you may be feeling down but the atmosphere around will back the energy around,
As the SWEETHEART we have is a PURE DIAMOND we sound,