Awaiting Hereafter
Awaiting Hereafter
Salty but innocent eyes mine
How long will bear the burden of dolor,
A decade or a century?
Toxic fluidity of unending tears
Dipping me into absolute agony
Life seems stuck in limbo,
A living dead I am now—alive
But no more valuable than a dead body!
Only bleeding from my love-vessel
Often grills me after the climax—
Oh, hell! Where will this end?
Who will suffer even hell on earth?
The undying love mine,
Or the unrequited love-masquerade of yours?
However, rest assured
I shall not put you on a razor edge
But somehow, somewhere,
Something is yet to be—
And that is a severe penalty!
So, eagerly I am awaiting hereafter
To see the judgment of my Lord—
Either your coaxing tale,
Or the love in me
That was thrown into the vast sea of tears
Reaches to the highest place in heaven?