Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition

I was missing my old school a lot,
So, yesterday I went there to have a look.
Near the gate “Art Exhibition” was written,
On a board that hung from the hook.
I thought it would be interesting,
So, I went inside to see the exhibition.
And as I entered, on the wall I saw,
Painted a beautiful optical illusion.
There were beautiful designs,
Painted on the window glass.
And pretty paper roll birds,
Were hanging all around the class.
Then, near the reception,
I wonder how much they have used glue.
In making such a large paper mache giraffe,
Which was painted all in bright blue?
Colorful origami vases were placed,
On big tables in the school hall.
And lovely handcrafted embroidery was done,
On the shirts displayed on the wall.
Then, in the butterfly garden, I saw big turtles,
Made from bottles of detergent.
And in the staff room board, there were.
Portraits of leaders who gave us encouragement.
Then I went downstairs,
To see our school ground.
Where in the stalls, there were,
Beautiful handicrafts and paintings displayed all around.
I think that the school art department,
We should definitely get a prize.
For organizing an art exhibition,
It was so lovely and nice.