Sarbanee Pattnaik



Sarbanee Pattnaik


A Wish From Heart...

A Wish From Heart...

1 min

I wish there's a place with no place for sorrow...

Deep down the heart which makes us hollow.

I wish there's a place with no place for anger..

Which makes us feel like a dog in the Manger.

I wish there's a place with no place for hatred...

For thy follows a sequence of being betrayed.

I wish there's a place with no place for money...

That kills the bee taking away all the honey.

I wish there's a place with no pain..

For life would have lot to gain.

I wish there's a place with full of laughter..

That makes us feel forever better.

I wish I can sit with the nature..

For life being such a treasure.

I wish I can cherish all my memories...

Before my life is counted in histories.

I wish I can run and dance..

And give life another chance.

I wish there's a place like all these place..

Where I can go and hide from this fast pace.

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