Arivazhagan Subbarayan

Others Children


Arivazhagan Subbarayan

Others Children

A Glance at the new Calendar..

A Glance at the new Calendar..

1 min

Let's leaf through the leaves

Of two thousand twenty!

Wish the life weaves

Our days and months, glinty!

It took me a while,

To look back and see,

When I had a recent smile,

With a peaceful inner glee!

All will say, have often a goal,

In this wonderful new year!

But, don't forget your soul,

Never ever my dear!

Making lots of money

Is not a sin!

But, don't run honey

Others' race to win!

We always worry about aptitude

And what one can achieve,


ing to show God some gratitude,

Who gave us so much to perceive!

We are always on haste,

Running west and east!

But, forgetting to savor the taste,

Is merely an utter waste!

Pause, not fast forward

Henceforth, we won't miss the beauty,

Which are widely spread

Along our path in plenty!

Wish you all a very happy new year

My dear amazing friends!

Let's all enjoy and hear

How the symphony of this year sounds!


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