"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility."
In this blue sky full of stars, I was born. In this blue sky full of stars, I was born.
He is smiling at your insanity. He and you are connected by a black strand. A strand He is smiling at your insanity. He and you are connected by a black strand. ...
Fine I will adjust Fine I will manage Fine I will bear with it Yes, I am okay! Fine I will adjust Fine I will manage Fine I will bear with it Yes, ...
Came from distance Living in hostel - made me realise Going, coming and sitting idly Passed the da... Came from distance Living in hostel - made me realise Going, coming and sitting...
Even if I cleave my heart, He won't bring you back. Even if I cleave my heart, He won't bring you back.
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last, But dreams come slow and they go so fast... Hoping one day you'll make a dream last, But dreams come slow and they go so fa...