Prasanta Kumar Bhunya is a teacher and facilitator of learning across the globe. He is a director of
Prabhu Consultancy (IT) in Toronto, Canada. He also serving seniors with Dementia,
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc, at UHN, Toronto and an active volunteer for international
Hospital Elder Life... Read more
Prasanta Kumar Bhunya is a teacher and facilitator of learning across the globe. He is a director of
Prabhu Consultancy (IT) in Toronto, Canada. He also serving seniors with Dementia,
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc, at UHN, Toronto and an active volunteer for international
Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) program.
Mr. Bhunya is a very talented and versatile writer and poet who has contributed articles, fables,
stories, poems, doggerel to the creative world. He writes mostly in his mother tongue Odia,
however he writes in Hindi and English too. Two of his English poems on fall season selected for
international anthology of poetry and placed in top 20. His poem finds place among 55 english
poets of Odisha in the anthology “And the rhythm endures”; edited by Dr. Ramakanta Das and
published by Authors Press. He currently editing UTKARSA; an international quarterly of OSA
(Odisha Society of Americas).
He is a recipient of by Odisha Living Legend Youth Inspiration award for Art, Culture and
Lliterature 2014, and the Best Teacher Award in 2008.
(His pen name is PRABHU; as he known by his reader across the globe) Read less