The Hill And Her Broken Heart
The Hill And Her Broken Heart

Tired from walking in a corner I sat,
The dark ebony sky spread above like a mat.
The stars glowed in the deep ivory hues,
The hills we're covered up in Misty blues.
"It's good to see you here, don't get started it's only me my dear."
I turned behind recognizing the voice old,
The stars were now fiery gold.
How are you? Its been so long."
"Almost well, missed you a lot"
Said the hill like almost a song.
Well changes there have been a lot, it's like time has got us all caught."
"Why is that so?" I asked with my voice all low.
"Where do I begin, the sad old story it is..."
"You have all my attention, do tell me please."
"Man does not love me no more,
And that has left my heart all sore.
They want all flowers, they want all the trees,
They want all nature but don't want me.
As days move on by, they pull me further away,
From where the clouds in the sky stay.
Breaking me, crushing me,
My tears and pain no one can see.
Huge houses and fac
tories are what they want,
My old memories of glory come back to haunt.
I tried helping them with all my means,
But couldn't fulfill his greedy heart.
What do I tell you? Where do I even start?
They polluted the air, this is so unfair.
We loved you so deep,
And this is how our promises you keep?
They stabbed these poles in my chest,
Took my children away from their nest.
I can't hear the birds now, the machines in me are all so loud,
It's sad.
I've bled all my life to serve you all,
But everything you did was to see me fall.
I can't feel this air anymore,
The fire smoke chokes me-
My throat's all sore."
I was mortified to hear what she said,
I feared this way-soon she might be dead.
"I will pull you close, never let go!"
"That will just help me, what about the others, I don't need your help-no."
"I will wait here,
For help to near.
And one day when I go away, this will all be covered up,
Not in the cold mist,
But Machine smoke and dust.