



The Way You Look At Life Will It Change After The Pandemic Ends? (21 June 2020)

The Way You Look At Life Will It Change After The Pandemic Ends? (21 June 2020)

4 mins

Having been in lockdown for several months now, it’s not surprising that many of us have explored the untouched side of ourselves. This period has come up with a 360-degree turn in our lives. It has taught us to enjoy the present, rediscover passions, connect with nature, and value coexistence. I'm not the same person now than the one I was at the beginning of all this. 

This pandemic has been an eye-opener for me. It has taught me to look beyond myself. It has taught me to be more humble and grounded to my roots. It has taught me that more natural has enough to satisfy our need but not our greed and most importantly it has taught me that we reap what we sow. 

Well in my life pandemic bring positive change and I think the way I look at life changes now and I don't want to change it after this pandemic ends because this pandemic taught us many good things like if you are at home with your love ones you will remain always safe and many more. The way I look at life will definitely change I will be more Grateful towards things that were easily available for us before the pandemic. I will value time and not delay things that I want to do. I will value and utilise my freedom at it's best. 

Some things are going to change after this pandemic. Like, first of all, we are going to value our health and life more. As I have learnt a lot from this epidemic like patience, faith, to value what we have, a belief that everything is uncertain, to care and respect our nature and many more good thoughts and beliefs are taught me by parents as we have spent this time together. The most important thing I have learnt is God has given us everything, we need to value things seriously if he can give us everything he can also take it back if we don't value them. My perspective of life is definitely going to change after this pandemic. Yeah definitely it will change Any Adversity is simply an opportunity to grow.... it has broadened my vision in regards to life and made me understand that is full of uncertainties. I believe this pandemic has made me realize the importance of people in my life, the freedom we have and moreover the facilities. I'm blessed that I have a roof to stay under and good food to eat, in these difficult times I have my family to support me mentally, but there are people who don

't have these basic things and had to face this lockdown. These things changed my perspective towards people and the world in whole. I have always been a nature lover and a book reader and these two qualities of mine have taught me a lot. Nature are us to move it if you Love nature it will revert you back the same and also the back that it is furious just the way it is beautiful. I Must say not after pandemic but every day amid pandemic is relentlessly changing our perspective towards life and we became more responsible, spiritual. Our humanitarian nature took a Sudden surge and taught us that having food with our family thrice a day without any ailment is the actual richness. Last but not least sometimes we should take a short break from our restless life and embrace what we have and the beauty of our surroundings. The pandemic has taught us a lot of things in which we all have started to view life with a new perspective. The pandemic has taught us all that the life that was given before to us was a life of Great freedom which we always took for granted. The coronavirus outbreak has taught us that nothing in this life is constant and materialistic things are of no value and in the end, it's the Morals and values that last forever. 

After this period is over, our daily life would again become a race track with our routine work. But I would also remember the teachings I obtained during this pandemic like self-introspection is one of the most important tasks, time spent with family members provides us happiness and relief, the necessity of things Must be realized instead of wasting them and above all, we should not do any work that harms the progress of healing of our mother earth. These Teachings would surely give us a better life. Everything which comes teaches you something and makes you a better person. And of course this better change will have a great influence on our life. And it's so true that we all have learnt a good lesson from this pandemic and also realized many things the main realisation is the difference between necessary things and luxurious things. . . . . This pandemic can be the worst thing ever happened but I think somewhere this pandemic has blessed me and thousands of other people to change their vision towards life and make wonders by your own mistakes and failures...... 

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