Untitled Tale

Untitled Tale

1 min

I never needed you,

You were my play toy.

I used you

To satisfy my inner desire. Oh boy!

You were never on the number

As you always thought,

It was my greed due to which

You were brought.

I was using you

Because I thought,

You were something what I sought.

I never counted on you

The way you did.

I tried to make it obvious

But oh my! You are so stupid.

You were too attached to me,

It made me sick.

I wanted to get rid of you

Because I was stung to the quick.

I wish we could've ended it

Some other way,

I've got a million things

In my heart to say.

But now;

What's done is done,

And it's better for both of us

To clean after our lives which have got spun!

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