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The Complexion

The Complexion

1 min

Her simplicity and tone get unnoticed.

Her compassion stays as a home for many

Wavelengths as she remains a mystery.

She remains omnipotent, by preserving her secrets.

She bores the stars and gave birth to the light

With mere fusion that defined life.

She is the dark matter that keeps the universe

Alive while combating solemnity.

To interpret the realm, she is precisely enough

But to illustrate the world she reaps with light.

Black isn't racism, it's a shielding gene.

Black isn't inferior, it's the human evolution.

Black isn't evil, it's lack of familiarity.

Black isn't unnecessary, it's fundamental to life.

Black is the womb.

Black is the poles apart from where spirit gets enlightened.

Black comforts life by being petite and by being guard while nourishing.

Hues are forms of black, the mixture of hues defines life,

Don't make politics and prominence out of it as every

Color signifies the creation of nature,

With the universe being the speckle of the shades.

This poem is dedicated to Martin Luther King and Stephen Hawking for their work in their respective fields.

As black was common in their field, it's an attempt to combine the essence of their ideas.

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