Radhika Raghuvanshi

Children Stories Drama


Radhika Raghuvanshi

Children Stories Drama

That's A Teacher!!

That's A Teacher!!

1 min

A teacher purifies our soul,

A teacher helps us to reach our goal.

 Don’t mind whether they beat you,

This is their love, obtained by a few.

 They always remain angry, you think!

Their heart is dark like the ink,

In their hand, there is always a stick,

Their tough side, we always pick.

 But, see inside their heart, how good they are,

They have to make you a shining star.

 They are really so good,

For you they will do, what they could.

Your will and mood, they recognise,

Only by looking inside your eyes.

 In front of them, how much we pretend,

But they’ll catch up at the end.

 Find out what’s

their role,

Bind yourself with their soul.

 For your future, they are making you prepare,

Because for you, they have a lot of care.

 Many times you’ve hurt their will,

But they are loving you, still.

 Never play with your teacher’s feelings,

Just collect their plenty of blessings.

 Just cooperate them, with interest.

They’ve made a lot of efforts to make you the best.

 How hard they are from outside,

But they are having a glimmering bright side.

 They have to pull you out from the dark,

They have to make you bring like a star.

 In the last, I want to say just,

That gives a lot of respect to your teachers first…

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